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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

House Part 2

 Our new house has this awesome window in the dining room that I LOVE.  
I knew right away I wanted curtains up.  I adore the curtains I have in my living room, but thought it would be overkill to have the pattern here too.  So here is my "naked" window...
(bad cell pic, mess in the area)

 Here it is with my curtains !  
What a difference it makes !!

They have a really pretty faint embroidery pattern on them that you can't see here. 

So the next question is, do you like the curtains undressed (above)
or dressed (below)

ps- dressed is the fancy tie.

This space IS a work in progress.
You might remember my fancy multi coloured chairs... well, they might get a second makeover
And the new to me china hutch I bought and love is in the garage.
It no longer fits.
So i'm looking for something nice to go over on that left hand side.
And that photo still needs to get hung up on the right side.

Anyone notice that I have tiny "rods" only on the sides of the window for the curtains?

Well, the curtains are for show only.  They give the space texture and warmth, and aren't intended to be closed.

We had bought  "real" curtain rods, but instead, I used loonie store kitchen accessory rods.  I like that they were cheap and easy for me to put up.

What do you think of the transformation?

And, dressed or undressed?

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