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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

-oh- my- gosh-

It's busy busy here.  If you're a faithful reader, you know I have many things on the go.  My crafting, my new photography business ( my part time job, my other part time job, my son, being a landlord, cooking, baking, and generally being a wonderful cookie cutter wife. Ok, the last one isn't true, but the rest are.  And, we are expecting to be foster parents in the next few months. 

My projects that are yet to be completed are immense.  I started, and deleted the list here because it's too long.

Lately when I read crafting blogs or things, I'm always saying, I can do that.... I can do that... why buy it, I can do inspiration hit the other day and I thought, well, let's see if I actually can do that.  So I bought the supplies.... and stole the glue which I had intended on buying, came home and tried.  I loved it !  It turned out beautifully, was cheap to make, let me be creative, and seemed like good mompreneur potential (ya know, a mom being an entrepreneur)

So, as I always do I jumped right in, started it up.  I'm working on a facebook page for my new business, setting up an online shop on ETSY, and have signed up for exposure of my new venture via an online giveaway.  So I'm fully in this one too.  So what is it?  Give me a few days to finish working on it, and I'll have some pictures to show... and some details to reveal.

Enjoy a pic of Dylan as you wonder what the heck I'm up to now....

Trying to get organized to get his shoes on... not exactly cooperating... but it was funny.

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